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Macro and Micro nutrients for a sports person

Macro and Micro nutrients for a sports person



Macronutrients are the category of nutrients that are required in large amounts for the body.

Macronutrients are very much essential in an athletes day to day life as he/she will require more energy than any sedentary or moderate worker. Most energy should ideally come from carbohydrates as they constitute 4 calories per a gram of carbohydrate. On an average, an athlete should get 45-60% of his daily energy from his source of carbohydrates.
Protein is the most used and misunderstood term when it comes to athletic nutrition as there is this myth that an athlete should consume a lot of protein to gain muscle, to get strength and stay on field for the longest hours possible. As some of it could be true when it is said that protein builds muscle. But any protein if taken in larger amounts than its necessity could have adverse effects on an individual’s health. Ideally an active person like an athlete or any person who exercises regularly should consume around 1.5 to 2 grams of protein per kilo body weight depending upon the category of the activity. One gram of protein yields about 4 calories of energy. Excessive protein consumption would lead to bloating, confusion on field, upset stomach, vomiting sensation, bone mineral loss, dehydration and irritability. In the long term, even kidney disorders would arise.

Healthy sources of macronutrients for a sports person are:


  • Bananas
  • potato/ sweet potato
  • Oats
  • Quinoa
  • lentils
  • Whole grains
  • Brown rice
  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Whole bread


  • Eggs
  • tofu/paneer
  • chickpea/hummus
  • Chia seeds
  • Milk
  • Chicken


  • fish
  • Whey protein
  • Beef
  • quinoa Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Greek yogurt
  • Nut butter
  • Avocado
  • Salmon, tuna
  • Flaxseeds
  • Eggs
  • olives


Micronutrients are the category of nutrients that are required in small amounts for the body.

Micronutrients constitute vitamins and minerals that are important for boosting immunity, disease prevention and overall well being. Though it is said that the body requires them in smaller amounts, it is always important to meet up to their RDA as their deficiency could lead to certain health disorders.

Though every vitamin and mineral has their own significance in the body, there are few micronutrients that are mandatorily necessary for a healthy body functioning.
They are:

Vitamin A: It is very important for athletes, because proper vision is the prime essentiality for any athlete. Also, it is a potent antioxidant which helps in removing oxidative stress and thus supports bone health.           

Vitamin B complex: B1, B2, B6 produce energy required for metabolism while B12, is required for new cell synthesis.

Vitamin C: It is a powerful antioxidant source that helps an athlete to overcome inflammation, reduces oxidative stress and slows down cell damaging processes in the body.             

Vitamin D: It aids in growth and maintenance of bones by processing calcium, synthesizing protein inside the body, and improves immunity.            

Iron: It is so vital because it transports oxygen, helps in energy metabolism and prevents anemia.             

Calcium: prevents stress fractures, helps muscles contract correctly, stabilizes blood pressure, strengthens bones and maintains brain function.           

Phosphorus: It aids in delivering oxygen to the muscle, neutralizes acids and maintains the health of bones and muscles.           

Zinc: It keeps up bone mineral density, helps in forming collagen tissue and is vital in healing wounds.

Potassium: maintains fluid, electrolyte balance that keeps an athlete hydrate and recover.

Magnesium: It helps in metabolism of carbohydrates, protein and fat. Helps in proper muscle function, neurotransmission which is very much necessary for athletes.


Some of the food sources for the following micronutrients :

 Vitamin A:  Carrots, papaya, mango, apricot, capsicum, milk, sweet potato, avocado, liver, leafy greens, tomatoes etc

             Vitamin B complex: Whole grains, poultry, eggs, dairy, legumes, breakfast cereals, sea food

             Vitamin C: Bell peppers, strawberry, kiwi, lemon, oranges, guava, papaya, pineapple, cauliflower, cabbage, grapefruit, tomato, white potatoes, broccoli, brussels sprouts

             Vitamin D: Egg yolk, salmon, liver, fortified milk, yogurt, soy milk, oily fish, fortified orange juice, tofu, oyster, mushroom.

             Iron: Raisins, dry fruits, kidney beans, peas, fish, cashew, quinoa, chicken, leafy greens, pumpkin seeds, liver, dark chocolate, eggs, chickpeas, beef, spinach, tofu, lentils, broccoli.

             Calcium: Milk, yogurt, almonds, tofu, paneer, leafy greens, cheese, soy milk, beans, spinach, salmon, sesame seeds, skim milk, chia seeds, figs, soybeans, raspberries.

             Phosphorus: Kidney beans, shellfish, poultry, sardine, peanuts, sunflower seeds, potatoes, beans, whole grains, dairy products, tofu, egg, lentils,chicken breast

             Zinc: Pumpkin seeds, cashews, almonds, meat, dark chocolate, chickpea, shellfish, whole grains, chicken, beef, oats, crab, sesame, milk, beans and lentils

             Potassium: Banana, avocado, sweet potato, spinach, beans, yogurt, raisins, dried apricots, beetroot, leafy greens, watermelon, broccoli, tomato, salmon, beet greens, prunes

             Magnesium: Banana, spinach, beans, tofu, cashews, whole grains, brown rice, seeds, legumes, edamame, peanuts, salmon, kidney beans, black beans, quinoa, cashews, mustard greens.




What is PCOD? | Symptoms | Treatments

What is PCOD? | Symptoms | Treatments

PCOD: Polycystic Ovarian Disease

PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) is mostly caused by a combination of hormonal imbalance and genetic tendencies. For someone with this, the ovaries will often release either immature or only partially mature eggs, which can go on to develop into cysts. Whereas in a normal menstrual cycle the ovaries release mature eggs alternatively each month which are ready to be fertilized.

Symptoms of PCOD:

  • Irregular or unpredictable menstrual periods
  • Heavy bleeding during periods
  • Excess body hair
  • Acne
  • Hair loss or male pattern baldness
  • Difficulty in getting pregnant
  • Obesity
  • Acanthosis nigricans is a condition of dark skin patches around the neck, underarms, and inner thighs.
  • Sleep disorders
  • Depression

Treatments for PCOD:


There are several combinations of medicines available to combat the symptoms of this. Change in diet: A healthy diet for women suffering from this helps wonders in the treatment of PCOD. Diet enriched with proteins and healthy fats help to maintain a healthy menstrual cycle and improves skin-related issues.

Exercise and yoga :

Exercise helps women suffering from PCOD decrease their weight. As the major symptom of PCOD is obesity, therefore maintaining the ideal weight for women is very important. Daily 10,000 steps of walking help to maintain the metabolism and menstruation.

Women dealing with pods also suffer from mental health issues. It’s very essential to keep their mental health in check. Yoga helps in the release of endorphins, hormones responsible for reducing stress and elevating mood.

PCOD is a disorder that has become very common nowadays in women because of their sedentary lifestyle and adulteration of food products. It can’t be cured completely but its symptoms can be treated by treating the root cause with proper diet and medications.


Oncology nutrition | Importance | Dietician role in Cancer Treatment

Oncology nutrition | Importance | Dietician role in Cancer Treatment

Oncology Nutrition-

Cancer is considered to be one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. According to WHO, the number of new cancer cases is expected to rise by about 70% over the next 20 years so oncology nutrition is the base to fight against this war.

Cancer is a life-threatening disease that is caused by abnormal cell division and the reproduction of cells which then spreads to the other body parts. The development of cancer is a multistep process that occurs in three stages: initiation, promotion, and progression. Cancer requires a high level of treatment with high-radiation devices, strong medicines, and countless doctor visits with surgery, chemotherapy, cytotoxic, radiation, immunotherapy, and hormonal treatments. While undergoing treatment, most cancer patients suffer gastrointestinal troubles. It affects the patient’s diet as well, which calls for a high-calorie modifier diet and, in some cases, specialized feeding approaches like TPN as well. When you have cancer, your body needs proper nutrients and calories to recover from treatment. Yet, eating well can be difficult when you feel nauseous, weak, or don’t have the energy to cook. That’s where an oncology dietitian comes in.

An oncology dietitian works with cancer patients and their families to develop a diet during radiation.

Good nutrition is important for cancer patients. Maintenance or improvement in nutrition status is the key goal of medical nutrition therapy for individuals undergoing treatment for cancer. This medical professional helps patients to adjust their nutritional intake and optimize health and minimize side effects caused by cancer and cancer treatments.

Common sites of cancer –

The most common sites of cancer among Indian men are lung, colon, rectum, stomach, head and neck and liver. The most common sites of cancer among Indian women are the breast, ovary, lip and oral cavity, lung, and cervix.

Causes of cancer –

A number of exogenous factors are known to cause cancer, including the following:

  • Tobacco use
  • Infectious agents (e.g., bacteria, parasites, viruses)
  • Medication
  • Radiation
  • Chemical exposure (e.g., polychlorinated biphenyls, organic compounds used in plastics, paints, adhesives)
  • Carcinogenic components found in foods and beverages (e.g., aflatoxins, heterocyclic amines, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, N-nitroso compounds)

Endogenous causes of cancer include inherited germ-line mutations, oxidative stress, inflammation and hormones.

Why is oncology nutrition important during Cancer treatment?

Although all patients with cancer are at nutritional risk, not all patients with cancer become malnourished. Therefore, nutrition screening and the nutrition care process including oncology nutrition assessments, ongoing monitoring, and follow-up are crucial for preventing or minimizing the development of malnutrition at all stages of treatment. Treatment procedures, as well as psychological impact, can cause weight loss and also anorexia in some cases. Protein-energy malnutrition is a common case that affects the advanced stage of cancer. Weakness altered basal metabolic rate, as well as abnormalities in the fluid and energy metabolism also start to surface when the stages advance. Carbohydrates, lipid metabolism, and protein are all altered by tumor growth. With changes happening in the body, it is highly likely that you lose your appetite.

Few points which explain the importance of nutritional treatment in cancer-

  • Achieve and maintain a healthy body weight
  • Prevent or reduce nutrient deficiencies
  • Prevent lean body mass and maintain strength and energy
  • Improve tolerance to treatment
  • Reduce the risk of cancer reoccurrence
  • Minimize the effect of nutrition-related side effects and complications
  • Maximize quality of life
  • Be physically active


How a oncology dietician can help Cancer patient?

When you consult an oncology Dietician through NUTRIEWIND, you improve your chances of fighting cancer and fast recovery. Optimal nutrition and a tailored/ balanced/ high calorie diet that matches your specific health condition have several benefits:

  • It decreases the chances of infection.
  • It helps increasing appetite.
  • Improves immune function of the body.
  • Deals with many routine side effects like fatigue, feeling hungrier than usual, constipation, alteration in taste, Diarrhea, not feeling hungry, etc.
  • Maintain the daily nutrition requirements of body.
  • Maintain body weight and improve mental health.
  • Helps rebuild the body tissues.
  • Improves the overall strength of the body and also increases energy.
  • Motivates patients to deal with the deadliest disease.

To meet these benefits Oncology dietitian would monitor the nutritional status and also suggest you diet modifications from time to time for a diet that is high in protein and calorie with optimum vitamins, minerals and antioxidants intake according to the general recommendation. It is during this time that your body requires more fuel than the normal to repair the effects of cancer treatments. It has been affirmed by National Cancer Institute, about one-third of the deaths in case of cancer are related to malnutrition. Hence, it is essential that you provide your body the much-needed dose of nutrients that helps fuel the healing process.

NUTRIEWIND can help you maintain a healthy diet enriched with healthful foods that offers nourishment and also helps to maintain a balanced diet. The vision to help people lead a healthy and disease-free life has been the motive behind various fitness programs carried out by us. If you are looking for a reliable, trusted and experienced cancer nutritionist/ dietitian, then consult NUTRIEWIND, today!



What is Organic Farming? – Definition, Benefits, Types, Advantages & Disadvantages

What is Organic Farming? – Definition, Benefits, Types, Advantages & Disadvantages


What is organic Farming?

Organic farming is a type of sustainable agriculture. It has the goal of farming without the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Organic farming is also different from traditional methods in that it encourages biodiversity, rotating crops, and uses no genetically modified organisms. A brief introduction to the benefits, types, methods, advantages, and disadvantages of organic/eco/biological farming is detailed below.

This industry has been overgrown in recent years, as consumers are becoming more aware of the effects of pesticides on their health and the environment. Not only human organic food production can also be better for animals and wildlife.

Benefits of Organic Farming

It offers many benefits to society. It has been shown to positively affect soil quality and biodiversity, Human health is also affected. It’s found all over the world. They are trendy in Europe and North America. In these regions, organic food is more popular than conventional food.

However, it may not be suitable for all climates or locations because it requires more labor-intensive technology than other farming types, such as crop rotation and natural pest control mechanisms like companion planting or insect traps.

Types of Organic Farming

There are various types, which include –

Organic crop farming: This type of farming has grown fruits, vegetables, coffee, tea, cotton, and more by following organic principles.

Organic livestock: In this method includes raising cows, pigs, chickens, buffalos, and other animals without using any artificial chemicals or genetically modified organisms in order to produce meat and dairy products.

Organic aquaculture: This farming involves raising fish or shrimp in an environment. this does not include any artificial chemicals or genetically modified organisms.

Advantages  of Organic Farming

Organic foods are free of dangerous pesticides and antibiotics. Recycles animal wastes back into the farm. Environment-friendly organic products are more nutritional, tasty, and good for health.

  • Environment-friendly.
  • Promotes sustainable development.
  • Healthy and tasty food.
  • Inexpensive process.
  • It uses organic inputs.
  • Generates income through exports.
  • Source of employment.
  • It is more labor-intensive.
  • Hence, it generates more employment.

Disadvantages  of Organic Farming

  • Less output.
  • Higher price.
  • The lack of awareness.
  • Organic products generally demand a higher price due to higher demand.
  • They have a shorter life span due to the absence of artificial preservatives.
  • They rarely subsidized farming methods.
  • Rigorous certification process.

Methods of organic farming

The principal methods of It include crop rotation, green manures and compost, and biological pest control.

Crop Rotation –

Crop rotation is complete when we will growing a series of different types of crops. they are in the same field across a sequence of growing seasons and climates.

Green Manure and compost –

Mixing green plants with the soil enriches organic matter and nitrogen in particular. It also improves soil quality. Its moisture levels and nutrients improve for microorganisms. The described method of agriculture also reduces weed infestation.

Biological pest control

There are many ways biological pest control can be used in an environment. One way is to introduce the predators of the pests into the atmosphere. For example, ladybugs eat aphids which are a type of pest that people find on plants. Another way to use biological pest control is by introducing parasitic wasps into an environment because they lay their eggs inside of other insects which causes them to die and prevents them from breeding.


Organic farming gives more nutritious and safe food. It is popular for growing organic foods. that is thought to have become healthier and safer. Perhaps ensures food safety from farm to plate. This process is more eco-friendly than conventional farming. Our government should increase awareness of biological farming.

Health Benefits of Shravanmasa foods(Nutrition Recipes)

Health Benefits of Shravanmasa foods(Nutrition Recipes)

Shravanamasam Healthy and nutrition-rich foods

The month of Shravana is very important for the entire sub-continent of India as it is connected to the arrival of the South-West monsoons. During Shravana the Hindu community in many regions of India follows nutrition-rich foods.

Shravana Masam healthy protein-rich foods

Following a vegetarian diet makes it difficult for the protein source which is the main energy-driven source in our body. But not to worry even the special recipes of Shravan masa are good sources of protein such as Guggulu or Chickpea Sundal is perhaps one of the most popular variations of this vegan, protein-rich snack. Other recipes such as Senaga guggillu or Black Chickpea Sundal, Palli guggillu or Pea Sundal are an integral part of South Indian cooking which are absolutely protein-rich snacks again as they are made of whole lentils.

Horse Gram (Ulava in Telugu, Kulith in Marathi, Kollu in Tamil, and Muthira in Malayalam) is a power-packed lentil that is iron- and protein-rich helps lower blood pressure, manage weight, and control diabetes.

Shravanamasam plant based vegetarian diet

A plant-based diet during Shravan masa appears to be beneficial for human health by promoting the development of a more diverse gut microbial system, or even distribution of different species. The diversity of the microbiota appears to have an important association with BMI, obesity, and arterial compliance; and a majority of the research suggests that a plant-based diet fosters a greater microbial diversity.

One form is the delicious Bellam Paramannam, a traditional rice and milk kheer from Andhra Pradesh that uses Bellam (jaggery) as the sweetner and Jaggery is good source of iron as it increases blood levels in the body and is good substitute for sugar.

No meal in South India is complete without at least a morsel of Curd Rice called Daddojanam in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, and curd is great source of probiotics as it maintains healthy bacteria in the gut.

*Importance of having food in banana leaves*

Food served on the banana leaves absorbs the polyphenols which are said to prevent many lifestyle diseases. They are also said to have anti-bacterial properties that can possibly kill the germs in food. Having food on banana leaves is one of the most economical and inexpensive options to go for. It is always a good idea to eat on banana leaves as it is certainly more hygienic when compared to other utensils.It also adds subtle and earthy flavors to the dishes that are served on the leaves.

Health benifits of fruits in shravanamasam

For many Hindus, the month of Shraavana is a month of fasting. During fasting taking plenty of fruits is a good option as they are rich source of some vitamins, dietary folate, fibre and antioxidants. Dry fruits are a great way to feel full faster and when added to milk and yogurt, they prove to be a great supplement.

Concluding Shravan masa vegan diet does help a lot in detoxifying our body as vegan diet is really a great source of antioxidants, good content of fibre, potassium and other nutrients. It would be great alternative for those who are opting to shift to vegan lifestyle.

Not only the food impacts but it allows us to change our lifestyle in better holistic way. I hope this Shravan Masa not only brings joy and happiness in your life also brings a passive change in your lifestyle and be healthy for longer time.

For more information visit our services

What is Intermittent Fasting?(Diet Plans)

What is Intermittent Fasting?(Diet Plans)

Diet Plan for Intermittent Fasting

This includes rotating times of fasting and eating.

There are one or two kinds of IF. These frequently center more around when you eat, instead of what you eat. Notwithstanding, a few forms of IF indicate specific food or calorie limitations inside the taking care of windows too.

Popular Types Of IF Include:

Time Restricted Feeding (TRF):

This includes restricting your admission to a day to day ‘eating window’ consistently. The most famous Diet Plan for Intermittent Fasting is illustration of this is the 16:8 eating routine – this incorporates a 8 hour eating window with a 16 hour quick. Different varieties incorporate restricting your admission to a 4 – 12 hour eating window. The planning of the taking care of windows can likewise fluctuate for example early or late TRF.

Alternate Day Fasting (ADF):

This includes fasting on a couple of days out of each week. For instance, on the 5:2 eating regimen you consume under 600 calories on 2 days out of every week, and consume your typical admission on the leftover 5 days of the week. The 6:1 eating routine (otherwise called the ‘eat-stop-eat-diet’) is comparable however as a rule includes a 24 hour quick one day of the week, and your standard admission on the excess 6 days.

Fasting copying diet (FMD): This diet is low in carb and protein, yet high in unsaturated fat, and generally just holds back a third to half of an individual’s typical calorie consumption.Follow for more Best Diet Plans for Weight Loss