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What is Skin Health

Skin health is a key element to how we feel and how others look at us. There are many elements to glowing skin, but below, I will pinpoint 7 foods that are important for the health of your skin.


Asteatotis, xerosis, follicular hyperkeratosis, carotenoderma, hyperpigmentation, acne, pruritus,and  facial dermatitis etc…


Chapped lips, itchy skin, dried skin, puffy face, sores, acne, allergy etc.

Eating disorders can be a serious threat to your health. Becoming overly fixated on your appearance and/or having a negative body image can lead some people to severely restrict how much they eat or binge and then purge. Society might make you think that beauty is all-important, but the truth is that how you look on the outside is only one small part of what makes you beautiful.

Body Image

Body image is how you see yourself and how attractive you feel. Society places a lot of importance on how a person looks, from a person’s body shape to their facial features, hair, or skin tone. Striving to reach an unattainable standard of beauty and not conforming to societal norms can cause you to feel uncomfortable and embarrassed about your body, which can cause distress. If the distress is serious enough, it can even lead to emotional and physical health problems. Ideally, you should accept your body as it is, knowing that no one is perfect. If your body isn’t exactly the way you want, make efforts to start healthy habits. But never shame yourself or be overly harsh with yourself about your body and its appearance.

Many people with anorexia also deal with acne. Read about the relationship between anorexia and skin problems, like acne.

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that can produce several health problems, including acne.

Acne is a skin condition that occurs when oily secretions in the skin plug the openings of hair follicles. It produces red, bumpy lesions on the skin. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, acne can occur in people of all ages but is most common among teenagers.

Many people who experience anorexia also develop acne. The website for Eating Disorder Hope includes a testimonial from a woman in recovery from anorexia who also dealt with acne problems at the height of her anorexia. Acne can exacerbate self-image problems in people with anorexia. In some cases, acne can worsen eating disorders and cause depressive symptoms

Acne During Anorexia Nervosa

The restrictive behaviors of anorexia nervosa lead to severe malnourishment, which impacts the functioning of all organ systems of the body. The body, stripped of appropriate vitamins and nutrients, often attempts to use its current stores to find these which can lead to alterations in how all systems function. For example, one study noted that “hepatic, renal and thyroid functioning problems related to anorexia can…bring about pruritus, which is severe itching of the skin ” This severe itching of the skin can lead to increased scratching and touching, resulting in oil deposits into pores.

The skin also dries due to anorexia nervosa behaviors. When this occurs, the body sends more oil deposits to lubricate the skin, which may lead to pore clogging.


Essential nutrients for healthy skin are vitamin-A, vitamin C, Vitamin-E, Omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, collagen, Zinc, and copper.

 Lifestyle management tips for healthy skin include the following:-

  • Hydration
  • Consuming low glycemic index foods
  • Avoiding inflammatory foods
  • Managing gut health
  • Exercise
  • Good sleep

Nutrition is important for health. An unhealthy diet can damage your metabolism, cause weight gain, and even damage organs, such as your heart and liver.

But what you eat also affects another organ — your skin.

As scientists learn more about diet and the body, it’s increasingly clear that what you eat can significantly affect the health and aging of your skin.


Fatty fish, Avocados, Walnuts, Sunflower seeds

Sweet potatoes, Red or yellow bell pepper, Broccoli, Tomatoes…..etc

Healthy Food Healthy Skin

We are eating a healthy, well-balanced diet, and having healthy-looking skin goes hand in hand. While there is not a ton of proof that certain foods can be harmful to your skin, what we absolutely know is that a diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and healthy fats can have considerable benefits to young and aging skin.

There are different categories to break down your foods to make sure you are getting the proper nutrients daily and healthy glowing skin.

There are so many antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables that can fall into this category. Think the darker and brighter the fruit or vegetable is, the richer in vitamins and antioxidants.

Vitamin C-rich foods are known to boost collagen levels in the skin: citrus fruits, kale broccoli, and bell peppers

Drink water! Staying hydrated is another big component of what we take in and how it affects our bodies. Staying hydrated is key to healthy skin and overall health.

There are also supplements and even spices to add to food if these foods are not in your daily diet.

Eating a well-balanced diet is only part of what needs to be done to obtain optimal health and great-looking skin, but it is an important piece!


Wash up. Bathe in warm—not hot—water; use mild cleansers that don’t irritate, and wash

gently—don’t scrub.

Block sun damage. Avoid intense sun exposure, use sunscreen, and wear protective clothing.

Don’t use tanning beds or sunlamps. They emit the same harmful UV radiation as the sun.

Avoid dry skin. Drink plenty of water, and use gentle moisturizers, lotions, or creams.

Reduce stress. Stress can harm your skin and other body systems.

Get enough sleep. Experts recommend about 9 hours a night for teens and 7-8 hours for adults.

Speak up. Talk to your doctor if you notice any odd changes to your skin, like a rash or mole that changes size or color.

Using sunscreen on a daily basis. Sun exposure causes the most damage to our skin. As well as successfully protect our skin from harsh UV rays, preventing blemishes and hyperpigmentation in the future, sunscreen is crucial in preventing skin cancers.

Maintain a skincare routine. Try to follow a simple skincare routine every day, both day and night, to clean the skin e.g. face wash, toner, and moisturizer. The steps will be the same for both day and night, except in the daytime it should include sunscreen. Avoid using harsh products.

Avoid smoking. Smoking can cause wrinkles and quicken the aging process.

Follow a healthy diet. No matter how much you take care of your skin from the outside, if the things you are consuming are not good, it will reflect through your skin. Drink a lot of water and eat lots of fruits and vegetables.

Stress management. Stress can trigger many skin problems, as it disturbs the hormones resulting in pimples.

Adequate sleep. Proper sleep is an essential part of skincare, although it is often neglected. Lack of sleep can lead to dull skin and dark circles.

See a dermatologist. If you want to take advanced care of your skin or you are suffering from skin problems, then you should seek help from a qualified professional such as a dermatologist.